Are you thinking of hosting an in person event in light of COVID? Are you a wedding professional wondering what’s gonna happen next in the world of in person services?!
While I don’t have a crystal ball & can’t claim to know the ins & outs of life post-COVID, I jumped on a podcast episode with The Legal Paige to talk about what the creative industry can expect in terms of trends with in person events in light of the pandemic.
Paige and I talk candidly about what it looked like for me to cancel our 2020 conference (she was one of our educators so she was in the weeds with me as I was communicating with our 2020 group!), the importance of OVER communication when it comes to cancelling, postponing or just COVID precautions in general and why we believe that now more than ever our industry is CRAVING in-person community.
Inside this episode you’ll hear:
- My initial reactions when I FIRST heard about a global pandemic!
- What planning conferences and in person events is going to look like post-2020
- Why people always matter more than profit
- How to navigate situations where there is both legal + PR implications
Grab your earbuds & listen to the episode today!!
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