It’s hard to believe my sweet baby boy is 1!! I remember his birth like it was yesterday, yet it simultaneously feels like forever ago. (You can read part one here & part two here!) Crazy how fast time flies when a baby arrives!!!
He’s changing so much, and so quickly!! We haven’t had his 1 year check up yet so I can’t give an update on the “official stats” like height & weight, but I do want to be able to look back on this post & remember other aspects of Micah at 1 year old.
- He hasn’t said any official words yet, but when he’s happy he babbles ddddd and daaaaa and then he’s upset or hungry he babbles mmmm or nnnnnn.
- He loves to walk with his gator walker, but has not taken steps solo yet.
- He crawls SO quickly! Seriously. Every one is always telling us how fast he is!!!!
- He got his 3rd tooth 2 weeks ago and 3 more are coming in now!! So at 1 year he officially has 6 teeth!
- He’s wearing 9 month or 12 month size in most brands.
- He lovesssss bath-time!!!
- He loves to laugh at Knox & will pull up on him & pet him all the time. He’s also obsessed with dog toys!
- A few weeks ago he started making the vroooom noise whenever he plays with things that roll. We didn’t teach him that & it’s so funny / fascinating to watch!!
- He loves to look outside & be outside!!
- He loves books; I’m so glad we’ve made books accessible from the beginning & he will reach for them to flip, carry & even throw me around.
- He sleeps with his dog-dog lovey every night. We now have 2 for back-up!
- He is VERY persistent and stubborn!!
- He’s not afraid to let us know EXACTLY what he thinks about a situation – whether laughing or crying. He’s definitely dramatic! 😉
- He LOVES food!! He will try pretty much everything we give him & so far has only turned his nose up to mango & watermelon. His faves are scrambled eggs, oatmeal, avocado, yogurt, blueberries, bananas & pasta.
- While he loves to be on the go, he’s still loves to snuggle up with mama to nurse and has recently starting coming over and just laying his head on me – which I love!!!
- When he’s tired, he just stops playing & lays on the floor. It’s the cutest thing!!!
My mama took pics at Micah’s first birthday party last weekend and I wanted to share them today!! If I’m being honest, I was really nervous about his First Birthday Party. Between Pinterest & Instagram & Blogging, we put SO MUCH PRESSURE on ourselves to create something picture perfect. As much as I love party planning & styling details, I knew I wanted his birthday party to be simple, sweet & in my childhood home. I didn’t create fancy invitations or go all out on party favors. Instead, I bought a few details centered around a book we love – Little Blue Truck – asked Matt’s mama to bake the cake & invited the people we knew loved Micah (almost) as much as we do!
If you’re a mama out there stressing about your baby’s day, I want this to be your permission slip. Don’t look at Pinterest or scroll through baby party hashtags. Create a day that FEELS right. Surround yourself with the people you know you want in your babes life. And celebrate the heck out of your little one!!! That’s exactly what we did with Micah.

Matt’s mama made Micah’s cake & his mini smash cake! She realized how similarly it resembles Matt’s first birthday cake so I had to share that pic below – SO fun, right!?!?

I set out Micah’s newborn album for guests to enjoy, and also printed some of my favorites of him & washi taped them to poster board. SUPER easy, affordable & fun party decor!

Loved getting to reuse this sign from my baby shower by my sweet friend Jessica of Simply Jessica Marie!! I also have it displayed in his nursery.

I found this truck on Etsy & I love that it doubled as a gift & party decor!!

I also found this blue truck on Etsy! I couldn’t resist!!

His face hahah!

I’m so glad you documented his first birthday, Mama!!! Love you!!!!! (Visit mama’s website here!!)
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