Weekend Wrap Up: Hello, March!

It’s snowing. I mean, REALLY snowing outside.


When 8-12 inches was predicted for our area, I have to admit I laughed out loud. And now, here I am working from home on this snowy-icey day.

Tell me, friends, how did you spend your first weekend in March? Matt and I were able to spend the weekend with his parents & siblings… it was so much fun! We ate delicious home cooked meals, laughed way too much & played quite a few games. It was the perfect way to ring in the new month.

After my fair share of ugly cries last week, I actually feel really refreshed & ready for this busy month. Sometimes, I think we just need to have a big ol’ cry (or two or three), to let go & move on. God’s great that way isn’t He?

Let’s do a re-cap of my February goals, shall we?



  1. START training for the 10K. Ummm. Yea. Don’t worry… I’ll be ready by the 30… I hope.
  2. Finish Seven. Almost!! Oh, I’m so close!! BUT my church started going through this one… and it’s absolutely amazing.
  3. Have a Social Media Free weekend. YES! It was really, really amazing! Read my thoughts here!
  4. Clean out my closet. No… but because of this challenge, I realized what I DO need to get rid of!
  5. Cook more. Again, no. Matt’s still handling this nightly routine.



  1. Spend more nights with Matt. This has a lot to do with #5 from last month. I can’t actually have “work hours” for DSE because I work 40 hours/week & do this on the side. However, I CAN take nights off or limit how/what I do. I want to have more nights where we snuggle on the coach with a sitcom, not me-sending-emails-him-watching-the-sitcom.
  2. Have a Social Media Free Weekend.
  3. Drink more water. Confession: I drink too much diet soda. It’s time to hydrate with the natural stuff:)
  4. Run my 10K well. I might not get the time I want, but I hope to finish strong.
  5. Continue through the Rebranding Process.


Wait… what was that? The Rebranding Process?

Yep, you read that right… And, that’s my big announcement!!! I am so, so, SO excited about it!!!! For the last month I have been working with this talented woman & this talented woman. And, I CANNOT WAIT to show you what they’ve come up with… truly!!!

I’ve kept the process fairly quiet (in terms of social media) for the last month because I felt that in order for it to be “me”, I needed to do it on my own. I needed to start going through the motions, working with these designers & get my feet wet before announcing it to you.

And, I’ve already learned so, so much, friends!! I’ve been able to reevaluate why I’m doing what I’m doing, the type of brides I want to attract & really look at the core of DSE. My business has grown so much in the last 5 months, and while that’s AMAZING, I felt I needed to take a step back & really focus on my WHY – why those colors, why that logo, why that paper, why that client gift, etc. I want to make sure I establish a brand that is ME, with a look and feel and client experience I am excited for. Take a look at my Pinterest Inspiration board for a peak into the new & improved DSE …

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Over the next  few months, you can expect really amazing changes to DSE! And while I can’t WAIT to share with you my new logo and amazing website… I’m also really excited about a few other things I have up my sleeve:)

Get ready for a few more blog posts about the rebranding process, too!

xo! kat

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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