Thank You

Tomorrow’s post is a long one, friends! It’s a full year recap of all the pretty DSE details that took place in 2014. It humbled me and blew me away… and made me realize I needed to say these 2 little words: Thank You.


To my 2014 couples who believed in me, Thank You. Thank you for trusting me with your wedding day. Thank you for allowing me into such a sacred and beautiful part of your life. Thank you for becoming my friend … for letting me laugh, cry and vent with you about wedding planning woes. Thank you for trusting me with your vision & giving me the creative freedom to bring it to life. Thank you for telling your friends about me, for encouraging me in DSE’s ups & downs & for truly being THE BEST brides a planner could ever ask for. You have breathed life into this dream & I can’t believe I get to call it my own. YOU are why I do what I do. Thank you!!!

To the vendors I worked with this year, Thank You. Thank you for being so encouraging to this “newbie”. Thank you for referring your clients to me, for reaching out to me for styled shoots (even if the timing didn’t work out to do it!), for your encouraging emails & sweet blog comments. Photographers, I joke that you have “adopted me”, but it’s so true! You inspire me & uplift me & I have grown so much this year because of you. Thank you. I am so grateful for how you opened your arms to me & supported me with every adventure!!

To my One-On-One ladies, Thank You. It’s humbling that you invested in time to chat with me. More than anything, I love getting to know you… hearing your stories, listening to your big dreams & talking about your fears. You encourage me way more then I could ever encourage you, and for that I am so thankful. You are ROCKING it; you are the movers & shakers of the industry & I just know BIG things are coming!!! Thank you for becoming a part of the DSE family:)

To my blog readers & social media followers, Thank You. Thank you for your fun comments and amazing sense of support. I’m grateful for ALL of you, and don’t take it lightly that you let my images fill up your feed. I can’t tell you how much encouragement I have found through my Instagram-friends… and even though we’ve never met in person, I’m blessed to have you in my life! It’s amazing the sense of community we’ve built together, and I love that through social media we can ALWAYS stay connected and supportive. #Bossladies for life, right?!:)

To my husband, Thank You. You sacrificed a lot this year so that this dream of mine could grow. You cooked meals, drove all over the state, pinned on countless boutonnieres, helped grandmothers find their seats, scooped ice cream, stacked chairs, cut cake, peeled stickers off of lemons and been my saving grace when I was caving. You truly are my rock & I know you joke that you’re the brains behind the operation… but if it wasn’t for you, I don’t think there would be one! You believe in me & my dreams; you give me hope when I’m stressed out & don’t feel worthy, & you make me eat my vegetables every night. I love you so much & can’t wait for 2015 with you by my side!:)

xo! kat

(( Image by Rachel May Photography ))


I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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