My Word for 2014

We should all have one, ya know.

One word.

One word we want to live by, strive for, look towards.

When I first start working with a bride, I have her fill out a Wedding Information sheet. Basically, I want to know more about her, her sweetie, what she’s worried about, what makes her happy, and what she pictures when she closes her eyes & dreams of her wedding. I tell her to give me 3 words that describe her wedding. 3 and only 3. (Though sometimes my silly brides like to add a few more:).

Why do I have them narrow it down?

I want them to be focused. I want us to have a clear vision for their entire day. Their words can be how they want to feel, how they want guests to feel, how they want it to look… I’m open to WHATEVER their heart desires: Romantic, Intimate, Classic, Rustic, Party, Emotional, Airy, Bold…

So, if I ask them to do this so that we can be INTENTIONAL with every bit of planning, why would I not do the same for the new year? I want to be INTENTIONAL, right? I want to be focused, to have a clear vision for my year.

And, in order to do that, I need a word, too. But instead of 3 words, I’m giving myself 1. 1 word that accompanies every thing I want 2014 to entail… 

word-of-the-yearI thought of a lot, actually. Present. Satisfied. Content.

But Simplicity kept sticking out to me… Maybe it’s because I walked through the #simplify2014 with Emily Ley. Maybe it’s because the #contentmentchallenge is beginning to teach me that less is more. Whatever the reason, Simplicity it is.

A year that is beautiful, well-thought-out, and simple. A year that is dedicated to the treasures of my heart… the SIMPLE treasures. You know, things like: Monday nights cozied up on the couch with my hubs. Group texts with my best friends. A really, really good book. A hike in the mountains with Knox. A day doing nothing just because you can. Playing with flowers because I really enjoy it.

This year, I will focus on the present, and not Instagram;  I will work with clients who value the simplest of things: their love with their sweetheart; I will put more satisfaction in the abundance I’ve already been given, not what I think I need; and I will value my relationships with clients over not the number I’ve booked.

Simplicity. Simple. Simplify. Simplified.

2014, you’re going to be really, really amazing. And I simply can’t wait 🙂

xo! kat

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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