Hello, August!

I’ll be honest, part of me was really dreading today’s blog post.

I started writing a Monthly Goals post because I liked the idea of giving myself a realistic list for the month. I wanted to keep myself accountable & “check” them off at the end of the month.

But let’s be honest, right now life is so busy that just the thought adding 5 monthly goals to my calendar made me a feel overwhelmed & anxious.

I LOVE goals… I think they are motivating & challenging & a great way to continue to achieve your dreams. But I also understand that sometimes we just need grace. We’re not super hero’s; we’re human. We only have 24 hours in one day, and we can only take on so much before we crash. I don’t want to get to the point of crashing… so I’m giving myself some grace this month.

August means 2 weddings (one down, one to go!) and 2 styled shoots. It means traveling all over the state for final venue visits, and prepping timelines for 5 fall brides. It means school starts back up so the college where I work full-time is going to get a bit busier. It means Matt goes back to school (he’s a teacher) and football season starts so that’s what he’ll be watching Monday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday…(You think I’m kidding…:). August means Month 1 of 4 non-stop months for me & DSE …


So, friends, today’s post isn’t the usual “goal” post. Today’s post is a little break. A little break for myself so that instead of adding even MORE to my growing to-dos, I’m going to conquer that things I already have going on, and I’m going to conquer them WELL.

If you’re feeling anything like I am, take a load off. Give yourself some grace, we could all use more of that:)

xo! kat

(( Image by Rachel May Photography of my bouquet at the Anthomanic Floral Worshop. She just announced the fall workshop… it’s amazing. Go sign up:) ))


I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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