Dinner Dates: What Do You Do First

Recently I keep hearing this reoccurring question among new business owners… When you start a business not only do you have to handle the back end logistics (LLC, Tax ID #, Insurance, etc.), but you’re trying to figure how in the world to even get STARTED.

How do you build you business? How do you get clients? How do you make your big dream a reality?  What do you do FIRST?

Your brain feels like it has 29402 tabs open and you’re trying to balance all the amazing advice you’ve been given and all the incredible encouragement people are pouring out on you. Sometimes it feels like there’s just SO MUCH information and SO MANY opinions and SO MANY to-dos that you have NO IDEA where to start. So instead of actually starting, you just sit there dazed & confusing & completely overwhelmed.

Sound like you? Well hopefully this blog post helps:) Instead of not doing because you don’t know where to start, I want to give some practical advice on what to do FIRST…


Take a Deep Breath. You’ve got this. Remind yourself of that. Remember WHY you wanted to get started in the first place. And think about that when you feel like it’s too much. Just keep breathing:)

Set Practical Goals. Write down 5 things you want to accomplish with your business in the next 3 months. Think PRACITCALLY and REALISTICALLY. If you have 50 followers on Instagram, it’s not practical to say you want to reach 1000 in 3 months. Think more like 200 (50 per month). Other practically goals? Selling 10 items on Etsy, booking 4 clients, blogging 3 days per week, etc.. Look at where your business is now & where you WANT it to be. Making smaller goals that point you toward your bigger goal (i.e. going full time), are ultimately going to propel you in that direction!! Just take it one step at a time:)

Make Friends. Reach out to others in the industry just to say “hello”! A simple email goes a long way & will make a huge impact! I really, really can’t stress this enough!! It will help to promote your name; it will hopefully lead to referrals; AND it will connect you with others in the industry & form friendships!! When you feel like your in this all alone, that’s when the “lows” feel even lower. But when you have good friends to build you up & get you through, it really does help!! Trust me!

3 practical things to get you started. Don’t stress. Don’t overanalyze. Just start MOVING. Start making your dreams come to life or they’ll never be anything more than just that… a dream.

xo! kat

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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