Dear you,

Oh, friends. I’m so sorry I’ve been slacking on this blog!! This is a prime example for what happens when you don’t take the time to pre-blog & you’ve got lots & lots to to-do!!!

I’ve been prepping for my presentation at Creative At Heart and guys, I wanted to share a snippet with you today. I think I had such trouble pre-blogging this week because I was so focused on these words… I couldn’t find any other words to say!! I’m blessed with a knack for writing – it comes easy & I love to pour words on a page. But when your mind & heart are consumed with other things, it’s harder to write about anything else!




Dear you,

You are incredible. You are smart. You are worth it. And you have a big, big dream you’re trying to make happen.

Some days, we feel on top of the world. We’re booking clients, we’re conquering the list & we’re doing everything “right”. Then we wake up the next day & feel completely inadequate. We feel unprepared and unworthy; we compare ourselves and yet jealousy take control.

We forgot. We forget who we are and what we do. We forgot that perhaps… perhaps you were CREATED for this.

Will it be hard? Absolutely. There will be days that feel endless & things that go all wrong. You will make mistakes & learn the hard way. But you know what picks you up the next day? The fact that you were created for this.

You have to believe it, friends. You have to OWN that!!! You have to shout from the rooftops: I AM A BOSS LADY. I AM A WEDDING PLANNER. I AM THE CEO OF DEAR SWEETHEART EVENTS. Do it. I dare you:) Shout out: I AM ________. Fill in that blank with your dream. Tell me what you do. OWN that. BELIEVE that. Because when the going gets tough and the haters come knocking, YOU have to have confidence that you were created for such a dream… and that your dream is WORTH IT.

I don’t have magic powers to make magic happen, and neither do you. We’re just ordinary women with extraordinary dreams. I believe in you, friend. I believe in those late nights. I believe in early mornings, tears & overcoming fears. I believe striving for a dream takes HARD WORK… lots of Hard, Hard Work … and a pinch of Fairy Dust when you need it most.


xo! kat

Photo by Alicia Lacey Photography from a fun shoot I can’t wait to share!! | custom sweatshirt by Bow & Drape

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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