7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Integrator as a Small Business Owner: shared by integrator and business coach Kat Schmoyer


7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Integrator

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Hey there, Visionary! So you’ve taken the Rocket Fuel Index and you’ve discovered you’re a visionary in need of an integrator! That’s so exciting for you and your business. So… What happens next?! How do you know if NOW is the right time to bring on an integrator for your business?! Now that I’ve worked with a handful of visionaries and their businesses, I thought it would be helpful to share some things to consider before hiring an integrator. 

Below are 7 questions to ask BEFORE hiring an integrator:

1. Are you ready to give up control and trust an integrator? In order for the visionary/integrator (V/I) duo to work well, you need to be willing to LET GO and TRUST that your integrator knows what she/he is doing & can do it for the greater good of your business.

2. What are the tasks that ONLY you can do? If you don’t have a list, write it down now. What are the things ONLY you can do in your business? These should be things that require YOUR face or energy to do… these are not things you can train someone else to do. This might look like a YouTube channel, teaching students, and so on… 

3. Can you start thinking like a true CEO? You have your list of tasks ONLY you can do … are you able to stay in your lane and ONLY focus on those? Allowing your team + integrator to take control of the rest? As the CEO you want to EMPOWER those around you to rise up & show leadership + accountability in your business. Stop worrying about the mundane, every day biz tasks & start thinking about the long-term vision of your company.

4. Do you know what the EOS model is / are you following EOS? The term integrator comes from EOS (see this blog post for more info!) so if you’re not familiar with Traction & the EOS model already, now would be a great time to become more familiar! You do NOT need to be following EOS to have an integrator, but understanding that biz model will help you in understanding the V/I dynamic & finding the right fit!

5. Do you have a team? Creatives rush into hiring an integrator before they have a team, but a true integrator steps in WHEN you have a team to manage not just the day-to-day of the business but the TEAM as well! If you have team of 2+ employees / contractors and dread managing their tasks + to-dos, then you might want to think about bringing on an integrator. If you do not have a team, then you likely need an admin to help carry the weight of your to-do’s and a coach or mentor to help YOU stay on top of your own!! (I created my Integrator Agency for creatives who fall under this category; my team steps in to become YOUR team, too! Feel free to contact me to get more information & see if we’re a great fit!)

6. What are the day-to-day operations like of your business? Do you have workflows, systems & processes? (It’s okay if you don’t!) An integrator is NOT a workflow specialist but an integrator DOES love organization + workflow! Maybe you don’t need an integrator long-term but instead need someone to come in & help you get in tip-top shop!

7. Can you financially afford an integrator? An integrator is a member of your business leadership team and should be compensated as such. Our industry has a wide range of pay for integration (sometimes called online business management). Anywhere from $50-$110 / hour depending on the integrators experience level & the scope of the project! Your business needs to be financially in a place that is ready to handle that expense.

So… when do I hire an integrator?

When it comes down to it, there’s no hard rule about when to hire an integrator for your business. After you answer these questions, you should have a better understanding about whether or not your business is ready to support another team member who will, in the end, help you chase your big dreams. The right integrator will help you reach those goals by allowing you to focus on what only you can do as the CEO and visionary for your business! 

Want to learn more? Here are 2 more blog posts with more information on integrator:

+ Brands that Book Interview
+ Review of Rocket Fuel University



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7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Integrator as a Small Business Owner: shared by integrator and business coach Kat Schmoyer 7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Integrator as a Small Business Owner: shared by integrator and business coach Kat Schmoyer








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