Weekend Wrap-Up

Happy Monday, friends!


I don’t know about you, but this morning I was really dragging… which is weird because I got a solid 9 hours of sleep last night….

This weekend was busy yet relaxing, which I know sounds strange. I coached the cheer squad at a basketball game (yep, I’m also a cheerleading coach!), went to a sweet friends baby shower, attended our first community group of 2014, and spent time laying around the house reading a book & watching the first two movies in the Batman series (the third one is on the schedule for tonight)!

I probably should have spent more time working on a few crafts or cleaning the house or doing laundry but (a) I just wanted to be lazy and (b) our dryer’s broken anyway (Yea, I know. It’s a problem.). Sometimes, it’s nice to spend your “down” time not doing ANYTHING but things that fill your heart. For me, that meant spending Saturday night with a bowl of chili, a peanut butter sandwich and The Dark Knight (I know that’s a strange food combo, but I promise you it’s delicious).

And, on another note, I’m excited to announce that I get to work with Alexandra of Heart Love Weddings this year! Woohoo! Her blog shows life for the single girl, the bride AND the married lady; she combines wedding and lifestyle posts on her bright & cheerful blog, and I just love it! If you hop on over to her sweet blog you’ll see a sidebar ad with DSE on it; and, if you look to right, HLW’s hanging out on my page! We’ve got a few fun things in store the next month-ish & I’m so excited to start of 2014 with a bang!

featured vendor_hlw

xo! kat

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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