The Heart Behind Creative At Heart

Registration opens in less than a week. Yes. You read that right. November 3rd is the “official” day… and it just might open even earlier for all you newsletter folks:)

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Taylor and I skyped last night about some final to-dos before everything really becomes official… and I’m feeling that nervous/excited/can’t-eat-can’t-sleep kinda feeling!!

The past few months have truly been a whirlwind. Seeing the details fall together, realizing how much MORE we still have to do (eee!) and witnessing how excited everyone has been about it, makes my hear soar!!

Taylor and I are honored & humbled that so many of you are contemplating attending!! We understand the investment you’re taking, the time away from your families, the scary fear you’re feeling that you might not have fun or make friends… we get it. We felt the exact same before Making Things Happen!! Did you know that’s how we met? We became friends on Insta over our shared planner-obsession, love for Emily Ley products and our new businesses. The first time we met was on our road trip to NC in April… where we jammed out to 90’s music, cried ugly tears at MTH and drank wine out of coffee cups with Laura & Bonnie.

7 months later here we are. Following God’s pull to do something BIG. To make a difference. To encourage other ladies just like us… to meet you & hug you & help you grow. Not because we’re so awesome or because we have all the right answers… but because we understand the desire for community, for friendship, for growth.

The Heart behind Creative At Heart is you. It’s for ALL of you… we don’t care if your busienss is still a dream or you’ve been doing it for 8 years!! We wanted to create an outlet for ALL of you to learn from one another and laugh, a lot. Our hope was to create something that inspires you… that picks you up when you’re down & gives you the practical knowledge you need to soar. And we are still pinching ourselves when we look at the amazing creatives who’ll be there doing just that. AMAZING women who desire to help you shake up the industry…. KIND, GENEROUS, INSPIRING women who want to instill in you a sense of “Yes! I CAN do this!!”… because you can. And you will.

I hope you can come. Gosh, I really, really, really hope you can come!!!!:) If you’re still nervous, have questions or just don’t know what to think… feel free to email us!! Take a look at the FAQ page (we tried to be super detailed) and shoot us an email if you’re still not sure. I’m praying you’ll be joining us in 9.5 weeks!!!:) |

xo!! kat

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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