Mid Year Review

Mid Year Review

Mid Year Review
Mid Year Review
Mid Year Review

We’re half-way through 2022, y’all!! Can you even believe it!?

Today I’m diving into my Mid Year Review process… and I am so excited!! Doing a mid year review is SO MUCH FUN — and so helpful for my biz. I have a FREE worksheet for you here so grab it now & then get ready to dive in with me today!!


Why do a Mid-Year Review?

When you take time to review the first 6 months of the year in real time, you’re actually able to make tweaks now! Instead of waiting ’til December, you might find something today that you can actually tweak and take action on to set you up better for the rest of the year!! That’s what we want, right?!

Doing a mid-year review keeps a pulse on your biz & your heart. You can beat burnout, see revenue goals, and see what needs to happen (or stop happen!) as you continue.

What do you need?

  1. 60 minutes — or a whole morning! Take a minimum of 1 hour, but if you’ve got time, block out longer to truly dive in!
  2. My FREE Mid Year Review Worksheet
  3. Your calendar (whatever you use for your biz!!)
  4. Your laptop
  5. Your monthly Biz Metrics Tracker (I do have one available here if you’re interested in using my templates, but this is basically whatever way you track monthly so that you can see numbers for your biz — now & at the end of the year!!)

What does it entail?

In the worksheet, we’re going to look at 5 main areas: time, money, dreams, customer/client, and CEO. These help you assess 2 key things: facts and feelings. A mid year review will help you look at heart AND biz side of things — you’re a small biz owner!! Your heart is very much invested in what you’re doing & I want to HELP you continue to feel passionate about your biz WITHOUT burnout or goals that aren’t actually aligned with your vision or your core!! At the SAME time, I want to help YOUR biz to be profitable and purposeful. Doing a mid year review helps us look at facts & feelings simultaneously through those 5 components.

When should I do it?

As the name states, it’s a mid year review, so you’re going to want to do mid-year. Normally, this is the very beginning of June… so in other words, take time this month to do this review!! I already mentioned taking at least 60 minutes, but there will be a few questions that require additional homework time. (That’s why I think, if you can, why not grab your favorite drink and settle in at your favorite productive+comfy spot & spend the morning working on your biz?! I promise it’ll be worth it!!)

ALSO, you’re going to want to do your mid year first before you set goals for the remainder of the year!! It’s necessary to look BACK before you look ahead. Those goals that you’ve got in mind as a visionary and small biz owner? They might change once you look back on the first half of the year — so be smart up front & look back BEFORE you look ahead!!

Let’s jump in!

Okay, I’ve got my own mid year review to do!!!! I can’t wait to hear what YOUR review ends up like — let’s do it all together this month!! And remember, grab your own FREE Mid Year Review Worksheet here so you can make those dreams & dailys happen in the second half of 2022!




I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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