Are you using Trello? Ready to use labels to get even MORE organized? i’m going to show you today EXACTLY how to use labels in Trello board! I have a couple of tips & tricks up my sleeve that have to do with labels and I can’t wait to share them with you!!
Before we jump in I want to let you know about my Ultimate Trello Template Bundle, filled with 11 video trainings & 10 Trello templates, exclusively created by me to help you utilize Trello in your business. (PS I also have 2 FREE Trello Templates for you so be sure to start there if you’re just giving it a try!)
Creating Labels & How to Use Them
For showing you how to do this, I’ve created a TEST board so we can get all set up — I’ve got lots of screenshots for you so you can visually follow along, too!!
If you click the card, you can see that there are a variety of color to choose from for your labels. You can then go and select or deselect the colors that you want to use – and if you click create New Label, there are even more colors available! Plenty of color coding options depending on what you’re using the board for.
One way to customize them is to actually put a descriptor on the color which I LOVE to do. Click the pencil icon & then put the descriptor there (Done, In Progress, Stopped, etc.)
Then when you click on them to see them on the card, you can see them WITH the text on the color! If you don’t like seeing the text, just click the color & it removes the text for you.
Something else that you can do when it comes to the labels is if you go over to Show Menu and when you click Labels, you can click Enable Colorblind Friendly Mode. This allows it to work for someone who doesn’t see color well, or if you like to see a pattern instead of necessarily seeing the text or just a plain color.
Why could labels be helpful?
You might want to use some labels for workflow and you’ll see that on the Content Planning Template that I have. I personally use labels here for 2 very different reasons.
- Blog Workflow – I can quickly be able to see is the content scheduled, written, where are we in progress with that.
- Blog Categories – I can be sure I’m cycling through each type of content that I want to have when I’m planning.
You can ALSO do something like what I do on a Launch Planning Board where I like to mark it as done if it’s been complete but I also like to highlight if I’m waiting on something. A lot of times a launch plan is a longer plan and there’s a lot I want to do, but some things are in progress for a longer time. So there I can mark “waiting on something” on that on the card & know where I am in terms of progress when I just quickly skim through my board.
If you have a team, you could create a label for your team where you can assign things to a team member using a label. That way that they know when they see the board, that’s for them to do.
Okay, that’s all the details on LABELS that I have for today!! I hope that was helpful!
If you have any other questions about labels or want to see another tutorial about Trello, comment below. And be sure to check out those FREE Trello Templates & the Ultimate Trello Bundle so that you can get organized & ready to tackle those dreams & dailys!!
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