tips to keep up with quarterly goals from business integrator and coach Kat Schmoyer

How to keep up with quarterly goals (so you actually get them done!)

Goal setting is all fun & games in the beginning… you get to dream big and think about everything you want to do in your business. And you absolutely SHOULD dream big!

But once those dreams and plans are all out on paper (or Trello), how do you actually go about keeping up with them all, tracking if you’re on target or not?

How can you CONTINUE to circle back to your goals ALL quarter long so they actually get done?!

I’ve got a few tips to share about how to keep up with quarterly goals; I hope they help you make those big goals a priority.

Theme Days!

Theme days are the best!!! I talk about them in more depth on my My Week Trello Boards. But the idea is simple: have your daily to-dos laid out so that you can have one day a week to focus on your quarterly goals. You’d be surprised how having ONE day per week to focus on your quarterly goals can help you move the needle forward ALL quarter long.  If you can, block off a day to be your focus — no appointments, no client work, just quarterly goal related projects!!

themed days on Trello board to organize business goals

Monthly Focus!

A weekly time to work on your goals is amazing and really how you’ll be able to tackle those goals. But I also believe in a more macro approach. If you have my Quarterly Calendar (see it here!) then you know I am a HUGE believer in ONE “Monthly Focus” at a time. If goal setting feels too much for you, simplify the process by having a Monthly Focus for each month OF the quarter!! This way you can put all of your efforts + energy on ONE goal!! Sometimes just breaking down all of those big plans into smaller chunks can make tackling them so much easier.

quarterly planning calendar designed by business integrator Kat Schmoyer


Surprise! 😉 I use Trello to keep up with my Quarterly Goals throughout the quarter & stay on top of tasks related to them. Okay, I guess that probably wasn’t a surprise to anyone here. But, seriously: Trello is SO helpful to make sure I’m staying on track. Inside Trello, I have a list on My Week Board so that I can keep focused on the goals I’m chasing that quarter. Here’s a look at the list I have:

goals for quarter laid out in Trello

I also have a whole board dedicated to ALL of my quarterly goals throughout the year. That board is super helpful to see what happened last quarter and what’s ahead. It allows me to make plans based on what’s working (or not) all year long.

daily to-do list on Trello to organize quarterly goals

Interested in learning more about how keep up with quarterly goals on Trello? I’ve got a Trello Template Pack that includes my Quarterly Planning Template and my My Week boards!


I hope these tips help you realize that keeping up with your quarterly goals is WAY easier than you thought. Creating a system that encourages you to check in weekly on your progress, break big goals into bite size chunks, and helps you plan ahead is key. I love using Trello + a large Quarterly Calendar for all of my quarterly planning and I hope you will, too!


PS. Ready for more Quarterly Planning training? Grab my Masterclass bundle here!



i’ve got 2 free trello boards for you!! grab them below!

Pin an image below for easy-access! 📌
Tips to keep up with quarterly goals so you actually achieve them tips to keep up with quarterly goals in your small business














I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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