How to Overcome Criticism in Your Business

How To Overcome Criticism In Business | Kat Schmoyer Education

We’ve all been there.

We’ve faced obstacles in our business, overcome hard situations & dealt with our fair share of criticism.

This year, I feel like I have faced both personal & professional criticism. And it’s happened both privately & publicly. Dealing with any type of criticism is a hard line to walk. We know we need to respond professionally & gracefully, yet sometimes we want to throw our hands in the air & scream. (Anyone else?!)

Whether it’s a comment on instagram that the entire world can see or a private email from a client that makes you stomach turn, I’m willing to bet you’ve been there, too. I’ve had both of those situations happen this year, and I’m sharing 4 things to think about when you’re faced with criticism:

  1. People want to be heard – Why are bad reviews typically more abundant than good reviews? Why do we post a Facebook status to vent about something before share a joy? We want to be heard. We have something to say, and we want to say it. Sometimes we feel better when we get it off our chest, and sometimes we feel worse (depending on the delivery). But regardless, those who are cricitazing you want to know that their voice is being heard.
  2. Focus on listening & learning – I remember when Matt and I were dating in high school; we would get in an argument on the phone and I’d be so mad that I’d hold the phone away from my ear and not ACTUALLY listen to what he was saying. (A little embarrassing to admit!) When someone is criticizing us, our first instinct can be to do just that. We don’t want to hear it so we we don’t actually listen… yet listening is key. While their delivery may be off, there is more than likely some sort of truth behind what they are saying. You have to differentiate what is helpful vs. what is hurtful. Maybe when reading that email from a unhappy client, the helpful information is that you need to be clearer on expectations, and the hurtful information needs to be disregarded. Do not focus on what is hurtful – it won’t get you anywhere but more hurt. By focusing on what is helpful, you can move forward with #3.
  3. Be strategic, not reactionary – By looking at what is helpful, you are able to formulate a plan that is strategic & genuine. By looking at what is hurtful, your response is purely reactionary & that’s typically never good. You need to respond to criticism in the best way you can for your business & for yourself. For me, if I can go to bed at night with a clear conscious, even if it took a lot to get there, I’m doing okay. I never want to attack to attack, and I definitely don’t have an “eye for an eye” policy. Monique Melton shared this piece of wisdom with me a few months ago & I thought I’d pass it out – Think to yourself: “What will boldly express my heart?“. That question has become one I use daily when thinking about my business.
  4. It’s not a failure. It’s information. Lacoya Heggie said this at #FallforCreative and I couldn’t agree more. When we are faced with obstacles in our business, we tend to think “I’ve failed”. Instead, we need to understand that we have actually just gathered information!! This information will tell you what NOT to do and what TO do in the future. It’s shaping your business, your goals & the way you operate. I encourage you to start thinking about the helpful information gained from criticism & you’ll have a much better outlook on the entire experience.


Have you faced criticism in your business? How have you overcome it? 

xo! kat

Image via Shay Cochrane & the #SCStockShop






I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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