
Baby Schmo Nursery Inspiration

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Nursery prep is well under way in the Schmoyer house as we count down the days until Baby Schmo arrives (just 97 until his due date!).

I wanted to do a pregnancy update for the month, but don’t have much to share in terms of images. My friend Annamarie recently did a post that included her nursery inspiration for her little boy, and I loved it so much I thought it would be fun to do the same for this month’s update!

Our style as a couple is a mix of traditional, home-y touches, paired with a bit of a farmhouse feel. Our house is almost 100 years old & has tons of old quirks & beautiful wood details. While my office may be the bright pink & white room in our house, the rest of our house is covered in blues, whites, creams, & browns. You won’t find many (if any) modern pieces in our space! We love to mix the old & new with pieces we’ve inherited from family, as well as newer pieces we’ve bought together. Ultimately, I would say our home is cozy, inviting & “well-loved”.

With all that in mind, before we knew the gender I had our crib + changing table picked out. I have always loved a traditional crib & changing table set; I know there are a lot of pros to converting a dresser to a changing table (like this), but our plan is to use this crib / changing table set for all of our children; after they outgrow the furniture, we’ll move them to a toddler bed and purchase a dresser to go along with that set. Sentimentally, I love knowing that all of our children will share the same crib / changing table!:)

Even though I had the crib / changing table picked out early on, it took me longer to nail down a true direction for the nursery. I’ve been playing with colors, textures and an overall theme for our nursery since seeing all that “blue” in our gender reveal box!!

When doing my nursery research, I stumbled upon this blog post by Lauren Conrad & not only did I fall in love with Liam’s nursery, but what she said really touched me – “I realized that the reason I was having such a difficult time decorating this room was because I hadn’t met my kid yet. I didn’t know if he liked dinosaurs or stars or the color green. So, I decided to keep it simple and in line with the rest of our home, which has a slight nautical vibe. And as he gets older and begins to cultivate his own interests, we can redecorate his room together.”

I think there’s going to be something so, so sweet about getting to know our son. Will he spend more time outside or prefer to get lost in the adventure of a book? Will he prefer legos over football? Will he dream of being a veterinarian, a pro athlete or want to own his own business like his parents? I decided that rather than investing in a true “theme” for the nursery, I would take Lauren’s advice and go with colors & an overall feel that embodies our entire home – his home. Then when he graduates to his toddler furniture / room, we can decorate based on who he really is!

To stay in line with the rest of our home, his room colors will be grey, white & navy. I’ll also be using textures like wood & metal, plus knit details & a slight buffalo check pattern. I want something warm, masculine and comfortable. Since our home isn’t “nautical” and I didn’t want to overkill the now trendy “farm” or “wilderness” vibes, I decided to pop in a few “dog” accents because our sweet pup, Knox, is a huge part of our lives. I tear up when I think of how close I think these two will be (now let’s hope he’s not allergic, ha!)!

I’m excited to share a few Pinterest images of our nursery theme, and even more excited to share the finished product with you in a few months! Matt has already been hard at work painting, building, staining & bringing my vision to life! (For a sneak peek at what’s been done – visit my Insta-Story “Baby Schmo” Highlights on my profile!)

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What do you think?! If you’ve blogged your child’s nursery photos or nursery inspiration, please share in the comments! I’d love to see!:)


xo! kat


(P.S. The main picture is a 26-Week bump update! I feel him kick regularly, am still craving burgers & fries & my indigestion is still going strong. Maybe he will be hairy baby after all, ha!) 


This post contains affiliate links, but I would never share about a product I don’t whole-heartedly love! 

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  1. Tori Watson says:

    Aw yay! Decorating baby rooms is so so fun! I can’t wait to see your vision it’s completion! If you’re interested in perusing, here are Llewyn & Margot’s rooms 😀 : |

  2. samet says:

    Well, first we had the wrong crib show up… well, the right crib, but the wrong color. I was so excited I didn’t even realize it for a few hours–Danielle had to point out that we ordered a white crib!

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