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Why should I attend the #ontheroadtofulltime e-course?

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Kat’s #ontheroadtofulltime course was a kick in the pants I needed. I came away from her class with the tools to streamline my workflow process and my business, both which will help me transition to full time. The course was packed with so many tips that helped Kat reach where she is now. I love the sharing heart that she has and her true love for community over competition, this course was definitely full of insider information! I will recommend this class to anyone wanting to go full time!” – Nichole

“This course was amazing! I learned so much, made some new encouraging friends, and got more than what I bargained for. #ontheroadtofulltime will have you dreaming, crying, fired up, and on the right track to achieving your dreams! Because of Kats selflessness to share & encourage me I know I will be packing up my cubicle someday and living my dream!” – Ruth

“The #onetheroadtofulltime course was incredible in so many ways. Kat showed me the tools I need to succeed throughout this business journey, she shared stories of the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur, and she opened her heart to all of us in the course. This was the best choice I could have made for my business, and I wish it could have went on forever. Kat nailed it with each and every lesson, and I would recommend this class to anyone starting a creative business. I’ve made great friends, learned invaluable lessons, and have been so inspired. You know you want to be a #DSEvip” – Macy


These ladies. I am so blessed by the first course of my #ontheroadtofulltime group, and because of how downright WONDERFUL they were, I’ve decided to offer another LIVE course in 2015!!!

Registration opens on Thursday, and while I can’t wait to welcome 50 new women into this community, I know you may have questions. When you’re a new business owner, there are so many amazing (and expensive!) investments you need & want to make. It can be overwhelming to sift through them and really understand the best option for you and this time in your business. I’m hoping this blog post will help shine more light into whether or not this course is the right step for you:

This course is designed for women in their first or second year of business ownership. While I am more than happy to welcome boss ladies who have been in business over 2 years, my expertise and examples are geared toward the first 1-2 years. Feel free to comment below or email me if you have specific questions:)

This course is designed for women who work full-time and struggle to balance their 9-5 and their business. We talk about balance, time management and just how in the world you can grow you business when you work 40 hours for someone else.

You’ll gain community you won’t find any where else. It’s no secret that Facebook groups are everywhere. And while some of them are downright amazing, others can become overwhelming and distracting. #Ontheroadtofulltime attendees are placed in a private Facebook group with each other and myself (no more than 51 members). You’re able to get to know each other, ask questions in a safe & trustworthy environment and lean on each other. My e-course is designed to not only give you the confidence and tools you need to take your dream job full-time, but it’s also designed to immerse you into a community of women who GET IT. They are right where you are; and they understand your struggles, your triumphs and your frustrations all too well.

– We touch on the legal, finance and budgeting sides of your business. We’ll get in depth with business growth, balance, time management, social media, blogging and branding.

NO questions are off limits. Whether it’s about planning, flowers, bookkeeping, hiring an assistant, telling your boss you need to go part time…. I don’t care what your question is. I will give you an HONEST and REAL answer. No secrets here, friends. I’m candid, blunt and genuine because I think that’s exactly what our industry needs more of. I’ll give you my trial & error methods & hear more about yours!

This course is NOT designed to have you full-time in 4 weeks. In fact, I say that to everyone during week 1!!! This course IS designed to build your confidence and give you the tools you need to PLAN for full-time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. We easily forget that.

November’s course will include a BONUS 5th week!!! We’ll have a Q&A session specifically for wedding planning! Packages, pricing, day-of assistants, timeline, rehearsals… and so much more!!

Are you tired? Do you feel alone? Do you wake up with a heavy heart as you get ready for your day-job? Do you cry on your lunch break in your car? Does it seem like the hustle will never, ever end? 

Your dream is worth it. Remember that. Your hustle DOES matter, and it’s working, I promise.

I went from charging $500/wedding to going full-time in just 17 months … you can, too.

I put this course together because I wanted to help the me 2 years ago. I wanted to put information and recourses out there that I never found. This course does NOT have all the ‘right’ answers. This course is full of candid, trial-and-error conversations about business, balance and everything in between. And I want you to join me. I want to hang out with you in yoga pants on a Tuesday night at 8pm. Let’s wear our husband’s t-shirts, loose the make-up, drink chai tea and chat about your big ol’ dreams. Let’s cry. Let’s laugh. Let’s cheer each other on.

REGISTRATION OPENS THURSDAY NIGHT AT 8PM! Mark your calendars, ladies!! November is going to be pretty spectacular:)

xo!! kat


Image vis SC Stock Shop

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  1. Macy says:

    There is a 5th week?! Jealous! Honestly, I can not say enough about this wonderful course. Every new creative should jump on this!

  2. Ruth says:

    Seriously ladies & gents you will not regret signing up for this course! This was one of the best investments I’ve made in my business this year!

  3. Melissa says:

    Are you going to do another online course? Thank you!

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