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Scotland 2019

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I’m gonna be honest: don’t think I fully realized how crazy it would be to take a 13 month old to Scotland until we were 7 days away from the trip!

Maybe it’s because Creative at Heart Round 9 was 2 weeks before and all my mental focus was on that… maybe it’s because I’m still a naive first time mama who up until that point had never had a 13 month old, let alone a 13 month old on an international trip, HA!

But nevertheless, me & Matt traveled to Scotland and back with a 13 month old and gosh, y’all, I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of us!!!! Traveling has always been high on the priority list for both of us. Before Micah was born, we knew we would want to travel with him & experience new places, cultures & adventures together.

I had traveled to Europe a few times before but never to Scotland, so we were both so excited to experience the country! Our sweet friends Buddy & Jill are the ones who orchestrated the trip since Jill’s family is from Scotland. It was great to know we were traveling with friends (who all have babies!) and getting to create so many awesome memories together!

I know there are two types of traveling people: the “travel & do” and the “travel & rest”. We actually fall under both categories but tend to lean one way or the other depending on the trip. For example, when we traveling to Maui for our Babymoon we were the “travel & rest” people; but for this trip, we knew we wanted to be the “travel & do” kind!

In Scotland, we wanted to explore both what the locals do & the fun “tourist-y” things! Being on this trip was definitely a learning experience for me in trying to plan accordingly so Micah didn’t get too thrown off his normal routine, but we get to experience all Scotland had to offer. Micah did an AMAZING job adjusting! (And he adjusted back like we’d never been gone!!! I was SO impressed!!!) The first 2 nights in Scotland were hard, but after that he found a groove (and so did we!) so his usual 2 naps + nighttime routine still happened (almost) daily. We already knew that he naps well in his carseat & discovered that stroller naps were hard for him; we opted to plan drives around naps to make the most of site-seeing / exploring & only tried a stroller or baby-wearing naps.

I joked before the trip that because we were traveling with 3 professional photographers, I didn’t need to worry with photos … and I was right! 😉 Katelyn, Krista & Jill are SO talented & I’m so excited to share our trip from their lens!!! The trip photos are by Katelyn James & Krista Jones. Our family session (at the end) was taken by Jill Powers. (Told you – I’m surrounded by amazing photographers!!!)

First up, here’s our time in Oban!

I loved the view from our front porch!
Boat ride to see seals!
The babies loved walking up & down this hill!!
We loved sitting here after the kids went to bed!
Parent’s night out!
Leaving Oban!! I was so sad to leave – I fell in love with this little town!
Off to the Scottish Highlands!!!
Monroe is the CUTEST!
LOVE this one of Knox!!
Ferry to Ardgour!
The front yard at our house was PERFECT for the kids!
Micah took his first solo steps!!!!! I love the Jilly was right there hahah!
Matt and I took Micah on a solo adventure to Irverness Castle!
Visiting Inveraray Castle with group!
Our big group!
Train ride to Mallaig!
The girls went to tea at Inverlochy Castle!
One of the coolest things about Scotland is that it doesn’t get dark until 10:30pm!! We took a “sunset drive” one night & this was taken at 10pm!!!
We took family portraits one afternoon & they are my favorite pictures ever!!!! So grateful Jilly captured these!!!

Then we tried to get a few of Micah & Jack… clearly that went well hahah!

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