Q3 is HERE, y’all! Who else is having a hard time believing it?! It feels like it snuck up on us a little bit, didn’t it?! Today, I want to talk about some specific tips for re-setting your Quarterly Calendar and prepping for the next 90 days! When I teach the Quarterly Cure Masterclass I talk about 4 pillars to assess every single quarter: Time, Money, Dreams and Dailys. So, let’s take a look at those 4 areas in Q3! Understanding what these pillars mean for you and your business is crucial for your quarterly calendar re-set.
When I say “time,” I mean: what’s happening on your calendar. it’s summertime! That likely means an increase in travel, kids at home, family things, so on and so forth. And you might need to scale back your work hours in order to meet those needs. OR maybe you have something big happening in Sept or Oct so you know you need to start the runway now. Whatever it is, understanding how your calendar is filling up is important for your Q3 reset!
We are half way through the year, y’all! It’s time to take a deep dive into what’s come in and what’s projected money-wise. Pull up your books (I use Quickbooks) and look at your Year to Date Profit Loss. Have a reality check conversation with yourself on what’s been working financially this year and what this means moving into the later half of the year. Here’s a few things to ask yourself when it comes to money:
What product / service has brought in the most revenue (and the least revenue)? Are you on track to hit your yearly revenue need? If not, why? Look at the data here. Was it a slower booking season? A launch that didn’t hit the goal? Do you need to spend focused time on revenue generating tasks? For example: do you need to focus on BOOKINGS more than PROJECTS in this next quarter? A project could be a website launch. Sure, the hope is that launching a website will drive revenue but it’s not IMMEDIATE. That’s a long term project. Sometimes the goal for the quarter needs to be IMMEDIATE revenue, actually selling what you do / provide, vs a project) so that you can hit goals financially.
After looking at Time and Money, it’s time to look at Dreams! Last week, I shared about the importance of a Parking Lot List and THIS is where the list comes in to play when it comes to Dreams!!! Once you asses your TIME and your MONEY, you can look at that fun brain dump of ideas and decide WHICH ONE makes the MOST SENSE right NOW for your business! Which one can you make happen (or start to make happen) in July, August & September? Ask yourself: Which ones feels EXCITING to your visionary heart, but also REALISTIC for time constraints and money assessments?
How’s your daily schedule going? Assess how you feel about what’s happening day in & day out. Are there bottlenecks? Tasks you don’t love? Things you can pass off? A physical schedule you’re loving / not loving (kids at home, work hours, etc)? Seriously, look at what’s going on IN THE DAILY and factor that in to your quarterly game-plan for Q3 so you don’t keep spinning your wheels in areas that aren’t efficient or fun!!
There you have it. The four big areas you need to address as you reset your calendar for Q3! This is just the start, friends! Truly, there is so much in store as you assess your Q3 goals and I can’t wait to see your calendars fill up with an action plan. Be sure to tag me on IG @katschmoyer as you reset for Q3!
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