
13 Memories in 2013

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A look back. My Top 13 Memories in the year 2013.

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1. Marriage. My high school sweetheart became my husband on the most romantic, special & hot day of my life!!! We’ve been married 5 months & although our wedding day was pretty spectacular, every single day of our marriage is even more amazing. And that, brides, is what it’s all about:)

1.5 Becoming a wife. I made this 1.5 because it’s technically the same thing as number 1, but it’s just so vital to my year, I had to share it… a WIFE. I’m a MRS, y’all, and sometimes it’s surreal! I’m learning so much about myself, my own selfishness, my husband’s sacrifices for me, his wants & needs, and just what makes our family tick. Becoming a wife has been the most humbling, exciting and sacrificial thing I’ve ever done in my life.

2. Dear Sweetheart Events. This little business. My big dream. Oh man, y’all. I still get the BIGGEST smile on my face when I think it. It’s REAL. I’m living out my dream working with amazing brides on their big day. And, 2014 is a big year for DSE, I can feel it:)

3. A New Day Job. Although my ultimate goal is to work DSE full-time, for now the Lord has other plans. Right after we got married, I started a wonderful new full-time job. It’s such a blessing for me & for our family.

4. Living with a Boy. This goes along with #1… but since we didn’t live together before we were married, this made my Top 13 list. Living with a boy is…. interesting. amazing. challenging. wonderful. hard. goofy. and the best darn thing ever:)

5. Honeymoon. 6 nights at a romantic resort in Mexico? Take me back ANYTIME.

6. Became an Aunt. Matt’s brother (my brother-in-law & sister-in-law) had the most adorable little boy in 2013. Oh my goodness, y’all, he is PRECIOUS!!! I just love getting to play with him, cuddle him & make piggy noises at his cute face.

7. Lost 20 pounds. It was a big deal for me. Weight Watchers, running & a whole lot of self-control helped me hit my goal weight before the wedding. And, I’m happy to say I’ve only gained 5lbs since! Loosing weight has NEVER been easy for me, so it was a challenge I was so happy to overcome. It’s really comforting when you can put on a pair of jeans & not feel like a heifer. Right? Right.

8. Ran my 2nd 10K. Ugh. Running and I have never been good friends. In HS I was that girl who walked it while I chatted with my girlfriends. But when my mom & a few of my girlfriends started running, I joined the bandwagon. And, I completed my 2nd 10k in 2013. My goal this year is to run it in under 60 minutes. We’ll see… ha.

9. Bought my first 2 Kate Spade bags. GASP. I never owned a Kate Spade purse until 2013. I know, I know. I have an adorable Nook cover, iPhone cover & cute accessories, but I’d never been able to pull the trigger on the price of a bag. Well, ladies, I’m happy to tell you that I found not one but TWO beautiful bags to call my own this year… and I just love them:)

10. 2 Amazing Features: SW & SMP. What a year. My very own dream day on Southern Weddings, and my first styled shoot on Style Me Pretty Southeast. Proof that dreams really do come true.

11. Really, really crappy mascara. This may sound weird being on my Top 13 list, but I can’t help it. I have been looking & looking for a really great mascara. Not too clumpy, not too wet, not too black, definitely not waterproof… Every time I think I find one, after a few weeks I hate it. It’s a nasty cycle I’m very annoyed with.

12. Matt graduated with his Masters. He worked so hard & I’m so, so proud of him. Although I still don’t understand why he didn’t want to walk in EITHER his Undergraduate OR Master’s graduation, I’m still really proud of the work he did, the degree he earned, and the passion he has for coaching & teaching.

13. Being a Bride. I know #1 and #1.5 are the end result to Being a Bride, but Being a Bride made my Top 13 because it was truly an unforgettable experience. I couldn’t make this list & leave it off! I was showered with love, support, gifts, girl nights & so much happiness for the entire year long engagement. It was SO humbling. I’ll never forget those mornings I stayed up until 2am pinning my heart away, all those times I burned my fingertips on hot glues, the glitter that is STILL all over my mom’s floor (haha), and the absolutely amazing way my now husband asked me to be his bride.


It was a year I will never, ever forget. And 2014 has pretty big, cute, pink shoes to fill:)

xo, kat

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  1. ashley link says:

    hehe i love how you talked about “living with a boy!” haha. that is definitely something i’ll have to adjust to whenever i get married! congrats on the 20 lbs weight loss! that’s so awesome you’re being healthy and running! i WISH i could run! haha. i just feel like my boobs hit me in the face when i do haha (tmi?). great accomplishments! i’m sure 2014 will be just as awesome for you! 🙂

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