
Weekend Wrap-Up: Be Present.

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December 30th.



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Christmas with Matt’s Family. (We finally have a throw pillow he likes, ha!)

Matt and I drove to Fredericksburg (our hometown) on Saturday, December 21st. In the last 10 days we have celebrated Christmas SEVEN times between our own Christmas-for-Two and all of our family; we’ve also had numerous lunches/dinners/movie-nights with friends, and I’ve had 2 bridal consultants.

And you thought you were supposed to RELAX on vacation?!:)

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Our first married Christmas morning.

I still have few things on my to-do list, including filling out my Powersheets, and getting my Simplified Planner organized and ready to go for the new year. And, although part of me wants to shut myself away, lock the door and conquer that list, if I’ve learned nothing in my last few weeks of praying for Simplicity in 2014, it’s that every single moment matters. Every dinner. Every movie. Every pajama-relaxing-on-the-couch-night-with-family.

See, I’ve loved seeing all the “2014 will be amazing” instagram & blog posts. I’ve LOVED seeing friends gearing up for an amazing year. Personally, my 2013 was AMAZING so 2014 has a lot to live up too:) And while I think carving out time at the end of a new year to prep for the next one is really, really important (and necessary!), we can’t forget the present, too. If I don’t get my Powersheets filled out by Wednesday, the world will not end & my 2014 will not suck. If my planner doesn’t have every single important date pre-blocked out, color-coded & ready to go by Wednesday, my 2014 will NOT be unorganized.

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Our last Christmas dinner for 2013.

Being in the PRESENT is just as important as planning for the future.  And it’s really refreshing to remember that.

So if you’re like me & you’re starting to feel overwhelming with everything you wanted to do so that you could “start fresh” in 2014, take a moment to come up for air and focus on what REALLY matters. Yes, spend time planning & prepping so you land on the right foot in 2014, but don’t forget the end of your 2013 either. I’d say it deserves an amazing last 2 days:)

xo, kat

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  1. Taylor Schumann says:

    Glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t color coded their planner or filled out their powersheets… 🙂 But you’re right- time is passing now, so we should make it count! Love this!

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