Simplify & Organize Your Next Launch


Simplified & Organized For Your Launch

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Simplify & Organize Your Next Launch
Simplify & Organize Your Next Launch
<Simplify & Organize Your Next Launch

Are you launching a new product or service this fall!?

Well, I have a Launch Trello Board that’s going to keep you organized for your launch & TODAY I am going to show you EXACTLY how I use it by taking you BTS with me!!

I built this board with digital products in mind (guide, course, membership, etc.) but you CAN tweak some of these things in here if you’re launching a new service! But just FYI, this is more geared for those launching a new digital products.



Trello is FREE and I talk about it a lot because I am a little bit obsessed with it!! I do have a Trello 101 video if you want to get started with it AND this specific Trello board is available in my shop — you can find it here!! Let’s jump in to see how helpful this can be in keeping you organized for your launch…


Getting Started

1. Brain Dump List

This is a new ideas/parking lot list. This is a great space, if you’re brand new to launching, to add all of your ideas here, link to other launches you’ve seen you may want to use similar strategies from, new ideas to try, etc. If you’re unsure how you want to do it, you can put it all here to get it out of your head & keep it safe as you move forward! If this is something you’ve launched before, you can use it to add things you’d change, things that worked, and that sort of thing.

2. The Launch Itself

Share all about the product & offer, who it’s for, why they need it (SO IMPORTANT when you’re writing your sales copy!), overall launch timeline, price of the product, and your launch success standard! All of these are incredibly important to you as you streamline that process. This is incredibly helpful, too, if you’re bringing someone in or using a VA or a team to help you on this launch. This helps you keep everything in ONE location for you.

When I say Launch Success Standard, I always have a success standard! Mine is a measuring stick: good, better, and best. This helps you evaluate and ask you why you didn’t hit good, or you did, or you went better than best… and then your whole team can see this too!

You. might have a section about who’s doing what so that your team can be in charge of all of this! Also, do you need to hire out? Who do you need to bring on to strengthen your team for the launch? Have a section there! Being organized for your launch is key!

Actual Breakdown of the Launch

In my Launch Blueprint (my free worksheet!) I talk about these phases for the launch – why they’re important, what needs to be included, etc. This Trello board allows you to take everything from here & put it into play.

3. Lead-In To Do’s

Anything that needs to happen in the 4-6 weeks ahead!

4. Pre-Launch

One week away from Go Day (opening day: cart open or webinar — what you’re ramping people up for) so you’re going to want to have a list for what needs to happen for that.

5. Launch To Do’s

The launch is here! Yay! There may still be things to do, you can’t always sit back and relax. So this is going to be the spot to put those.

6. Post-Launch

In post-launch, we tend to think the launch is over when in reality, we still have customers that just recently purchased from us! So having at least a 10 day consumption sequence, if not more, doing a survey for your purchasers, thinking about upselling, downselling, other things you can do in the customer journey.

Customize this Board to Your Launch!

In my Integration Agency, we do a TON of launches, and I use this template every single time – whether it’s a first-time launch or a third-time launch.  This will keep your organized for your launch. You can always build off of these bare bones!

Want a sneak peek into some of the boards my team is currently using?

This is a course we’re starting to build out – we have a lot more here under product creation. I have a pre-launch, launch, and we’ll be building out more things post-launch.

Simplify & Organize Your Next Launch

This is another board with a launch coming with important dates, a webinar with details, and we actually just call it marketing vs. launch here with priming, sales email, Facebook ads, course updates we want to do, etc.

Simplify & Organize Your Next Launch

As you can see, I’m constantly going back to a template board like this where I’m tweaking the original one. It all starts with my Launch Board Template & you’ll build from that depending on what your project needs!


If you have questions about how to use Trello to work through your launches, I’d love to create some content specifically that answers your questions, so please reach out or comment below!! And if you ARE using some of my templates when you’re organizing your launch, tag me on Instagram @katschmoyer & I’d love to see it!! Happy Launching!

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