How to Set Goals in 2022


NEW in the Shop: Plan 2022 With Me!

Here on the blog you'll find resources to help you (the Visionary) strategize, implement and organize your digital online biz! From dreams to dailys, we cover it all !
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Today, I’m highlighting another NEW product in the shop: Plan 2022 with Me! I’m so excited about this exclusive masterclass!  I wanted you to feel confident about planning 2022! So, what better way than to plan alongside me? Together, we’ll go through the process of planning 2022 so that you feel confident about reaching your goals AND having time off to enjoy your family, friends, and life outside the office. I truly believe that when you plan with strategy and intent, you’re bound to have an even better year.

What “Plan 2022 With Me”?

Plan 2022 with Me is an exclusive masterclass where you get to see me plan 2022. Watch me utilize my printable calendar, end-of-year review worksheet and my quarterly cure system. The system I teach is super simple yet very strategic and will allow you to find the rhythms in work and home that you always dreamed of! So, we’ll go over some content together first then I literally show you how I use all my systems to finalize the planning – including my gorgeous wall calendars! 

Who is this for?

Anyone who feels daunted about planning 2022 should absolutely download this exclusive masterclass! I want you to feel confident going into the next year. If you struggle with feeling like your year is planned strategically and with intent, then this would be a great option for you! Honestly, that’s why I teach you my system and let you watch exactly how I use it! Planning shouldn’t be scary or stressful. It should be something empowering that will allow you to feel great about the next 12 months! 

 Ready to plan with confidence? Grab Plan 2022 with Me and let’s get started! 

Get your calendars and find other planning tips! 

Check out our latest Talking Small Business episode about planning 2022 in style! 

Tips for Using Your Printable Calendar

Printable Quarterly Calendar

2022 Printable Calendar

Printable Calendar Bundle

Pin an image below for easy-access! 📌

Plan 2022 With Me: New in the Kat Schmoyer Shop, an exclusive masterclass to help you strategically plan 2022 with confidence for your business Plan 2022 With Me: New in the Kat Schmoyer Shop, an exclusive masterclass to help you strategically plan 2022 with confidence for your business




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A full service integrator agency for digital small businesses who are looking to scale and need a team of highly skilled integrators (that's us!) who can help them reach their goals!