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Micah Asher, Four, Five & Six Months

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Oh wow, y’all!!! I am a few months behind on these Micah blog posts and am SO glad I’m sitting down to write it all out!!! I was starting to feel some intense mom-guilt for being 3 months behind in his blog posts … especially because #mombrain is REAL right now and I am forgetting so many things!! I want to freeze time and these blog posts help me write it all out!!!! So, I’m combining the past three months into a recap post on Micah-boy!:)

So much has happened since August with Micah and our family … it’s been a BUSY fall!!!!! I can’t believe it’s DECEMBER already and we’re gearing up for Micah’s first Christmas (more on that to come in his 7 month post!!). It’s also very weird to say we have a 6 month old … 6 MONTHS!! It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital!!!!

Okay, here are the The Stats:

Micah weighed 10 pounds 2 ounces at the 3 month mark. Just a few days ago at his 6 month check-up, he weighed 14 pounds 15 ounces! He’s moved from the 2nd percentile to the 5th. His head is 17 inches and he is 27 inches long.

Highlights / Things I Want to Remember About Months Four, Five & Six:

  • September & October were filled with weddings & styled shoots … Micah and Matt came with me to our shoots and it was such a blessing to be able to take him to work with me!! 🙂
  • Micah has his first State Fair visit in September!!! We cheered his Papaw on during the pumpkin & watermelon weigh off (he slept through the entire!) and had so much!
  • He started rolling!!! For the boy who always hated tummy time, he has become SUCH a wiggle worm!!!! At 6 months old he is CONSTANTLY rolling on his tummy and wiggling all over the floor!! He hasn’t learned to push with his legs yet, but pushes himself around with his arms.
  • As much as he loves his stomach on his play-mat, he HATES rolling on his stomach in his crib!! He is definitely not a belly sleeper!!
  • In October we took a road trip to Tennessee to visit my Mamaw’s family. It was a very special trip for me because even though Micah never got to meet her, he got to meet some of her siblings & see an area I grew up going to. I can’t wait to take him back!
  • In October we also took him on his first hike!! It was MUCH colder than we thought (27 degrees!!!!) so we only lasted one mile, but he loved being outside. We tried him forward-facing in the carrier and that was a big hit!! We ended up going on a hike in TN too, and he fell asleep!
  • He has absolutely found his voice and LOVES talking!!!! He babbles so loudly … it’s so funny!!! Matt swears he’s saying “da-da” so I’m working hard to get a “ma-ma” out of him!!!
  • He can’t quite sit up by himself yet but he is so, so close!!!!
  • He’s had his first few bumps / bruises!!! Sweet Evy (our friend Katelyn & Michael’s daughter) accidentally kicked him in September, resulting in a bruise by his eye. Then he flopped out of the swing on Matt’s watched … but then I bumped his head on the shelf in his room resulting in a small cut on his head. Knox has also kicked him during a crazy dog episode. Poor kid!!! haha!
  • His hair is still blonde, although I do think it’s getting darker in the back! He’s got a few strands that are CRAZY long!!! Matt wants to cut them but I don’t let him yet!! He’s had a tiny bald spot in the back that’s growing back & has the cute fuzz.
  • His eyes are also still blue! I thought for sure they’d change to hazel but not yet! They are darker blue – almost ashy.
  • He LOVES to laugh and smile!!! I’ve started to say that he gets EXTRA giggly when he’s tired!
  • He LOVES his Cuddle & Kind knit dog! Matt calls it his “rabbit”. It’s so soft & he will just sit and chew on it. He also LOVES his Activity Table – he will stand & jump all day long. I think Santa may be bringing him a door jumper 😉 so we’ll see how that goes!
  • We started giving him bites of solids in November. So far he’s tried Avocado, Peanut Butter, Sweet Potato, Mashed Potato, Red & Yellow Peppers, Green Beans, Apple, Pear, Celery, Carrots & Teether Rice Cakes. I also gave him the heal of Sourdough bread the other day and he LOVED it. He likes carbs just as much as I do! 😉
  • We introduced him to a sippy cup in November, too! He takes it right to his mouth but is still getting used to have to tilt it to get water. So far he does a lot of holding, shaking & banging it on the high chair!
  • In November, we hosted Creative at Heart and my SIL Hannah came to be with Micah. I was so, so proud of how well he did with her!!! The only time we struggled was bedtime one night – but other than that he was a little trooper!!! His “Aunt” Emily even helped with bath-time one night & that was so fun!!
  • Sleep is still thrown off for us. We’ve traveled a lot this fall so for the past 2 month he’s been waking up every 2 hours. He eats during the day every 2 hours, so I think some of it may be hunger but also just HABIT of nursing. When we came home from Thanksgiving, we cold turkey moved him to his nursery (from our bedroom) and I’ve been sleeping in the guest bedroom across the hall for 2 weeks. He’s slowly getting better – some night’s he’ll do 3 or even 5 hour stretches – so I have hope that he’ll get into a good routine. My prayer is that over the next 2-3 months he starts to wean himself off of night feedings – or at least will only wake once or even twice! We went ahead and splurged on the next size Dockatot on Cyber Monday and it’s been really good so far. *I know there are a lot of opinions on sleep & the dockatot … we’re doing what we think is best and what works well for our family! 🙂
  • It was so fun to celebrate Thanksgiving with him!!!! He loved spending time with his 2 older cousins, trying sweet potato casserole & mashed potatoes!! It made me even more excited for Christmas with him!:)
  • He still LOVES to be worn!! I use my Happy Baby carrier a lot – if he’s extra fussy, I will use it in the house; I also use it when we go out shopping or when we were traveling so much in TN and at the conference! He’s perfectly content to be in the carrier and look around, and 95% of the time will fall asleep (which is a HUGE win & a great way to get him to nap on the go!!).
  • He has a love/hate relationship with his carseat. Sometimes he is perfectly fine to play with his toys, look at the window or sleep. Other times he is screaming like crazy!!
  • He is so much more AWARE of his surroundings!!! He LOVES to look & laugh at Knox, is very watchful whenever we are outside or in a place surrounded by people. He’s also gotten a little bit of “stranger danger” going on and clings to me more than usual.
  • No teeth yet, but he’s got lots of drool and EVERYTHING goes to his mouth. His gums are whiter but nothing has broken the gums yet.
  • He is SO strong!!! He’s started grabbing my hair & yanking it!!! He also LOVES to grab on to my shirt … or skin (ha) when nursing!
  • He’s also started to get more distracted when nursing; it can annoying but at the same time it’s so sweet when he just looks up at me and starts talking / smiling!! He also LOVES when I tickle his armpits or chin while he’s nursing. So so sweet!!
  • He’s found his toes!!!! It’s so cute & he’s constantly sucking on them during diaper changes, in the bath and trying to pull his socks off!!! (He was grabbing at them the entire time I was taking his 6 months pics so it may things interesting!!)
  • I have quite a few pairs of Christmas jam-jams for him this year … but hey, you can never have too many Christmas-themed outfits!!!:)
  • At 4 months he started wearing 3-6 size and 6 month clothes. At 6 months, he’s still in 3-6 and 6 month clothes haha!! I have started to bring out some 9 month pants and long sleeve onesies, but his sleepers are still 6 months. I expect him to be in them for another month. We’re definitely getting a lot of longevity out of his clothes!:)


Here are few pictures from Months 4 and 6. It completely slipped my mind to take Month 5 pictures – I AM TERRIBLE. But hey, he’s happy & healthy & loved so I’m still calling it a win! 😉


4 month pictures:


6 month pictures:

and just in case you thought he was always smiling…:)


xo! kat


add a comment

  1. Elizabeth Carlock says:

    I remember the first time I met you. We went to the park and you came home with a huge bump on your forehead. I was so embarrassed to bring you home and felt so bad that you got hurt. Good times!

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