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“Short Hair, Don’t Care??”

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If you follow me on Facebook, then you probably saw my cry for hair-help a few weeks ago. My hair needs an intervention, bad. The water in our home is really, really hard. (I never really understood that concept because, really, how can water be hard?!) It has a lot of harsh chemicals that make our silverware really spotty, leave our tervis tumblers looking foggy instead of clear & make my hair feel disgusting. It’s dry AND greasy, which I didn’t even know was possible. The ends are so dead & straw-like, yet the crown of my head holds grease like it hasn’t been washed in weeks. And, the color fades super quick (I usually get it highlighted every 8 weeks, yet by week 4-5 it looks like it needs to be redone.).


I grew my hair out for the wedding, but about 4 months ago I started debating about cutting it… that reassures me that this isn’t just some “flavor of the week” idea … and although cutting it won’t fix all my problems, it will obviously help my drastically dead ends.

…but, cutting it IS a big deal … something that once you do, you can’t go back. (I hate that. Why can’t we just cut our hair & if we don’t like it POOF it’s back the way it was. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?! My hair is a super slow grower too, so it’s another reason this decision is a big deal to me. And, yes, I’m well aware I’m overanalyzing it… yet again.)

2 Weeks ago I changed my shampoos/conditioners and I can already notice a difference. (For those interested: I’m using John Frieda Full Repair Shampoo & Conditioner, Matrix Biolage Hydrating Shampoo & Smoothing Conditioner, and Organix Oil of Morocco Shampoo. I rotate usage. Crazy & a bit OCD, but it does help!) However, it’s not enough. I know I need to give it a healthy advantage by cutting it. My poor ends needs a break! (Friends, I promise there’s a point to this personal-problem blog post!!) I’ve finally got my husband to agree that short hair is a step in the right direction to fixing my hair-mess & to get me to stop moaning about it. YIPPEE! Him being behind me on this is HUGE, because he really does hate short hair on women…. so fingers crossed I still look cute & can prove him wrong 🙂


Here is my inspiration. I’m going for shoulder length or even an inch longer than that. I’m leaning more towards a bob with a few layers around my face, since my bags are side-sweep. I even like the slightly angled look, with the front being a bit longer than the back. I want to be able to wear it naturally wavy, or blow it dry straight. I’m also going to do a deep conditioning treatment when I get it cut.

Well, what do you think?? Can I pull it off?? Have you ever had hair problems like me?! Have you ever rocked a cute cut like this? I’d LOVE advice 🙂

xo! kat

(( P.S. If you made it to the end of this crazy post, you deserve a huge virtual hug & some sort of award. Thanks for bearing with me & being so supportive. You rock! ))

(( All Image Credit ))

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  1. Victoria B says:

    Hi Kat!
    I have not had your hair problems, but my hair is very fine and very straight and it is always getting tangled. Honestly getting a brush through it even after a shower is a struggle when it is long, so for that reason I keep it relatively short. I had the same slightly layered haircut for three years and then I grew it long for my wedding since I wanted to put it up in a bun. After I got back from my honeymoon I cut it all off to shoulder-length. It was a very dramatic difference, but I wholeheartedly recommend it! I would say go for collar bone length since it is easier to tie it back then at or slightly above your shoulders. Go for it! This post also reminded me that I desperately need to go get my hair cut again too. Thanks!
    Here was my inspiration board: https://db.tt/oRDsBKmY
    And here is my pinterest board for hair and makeup: http://www.pinterest.com/picatoria/finishing-touch/
    Here are two great styling posts for hair around that length too: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/170503535865938044/ and http://www.pinterest.com/pin/170503535865181109/

  2. Joy says:

    Okay. I totally am with you in every way on this post. In high school my hair was down to my waist and I was in cheerleading, gymnastics and tennis so it was a real pain to keep it out of the way. Right after high school I cut it above my shoulders because unlike your husband Brian LOVES short hair in everyway. I freaked out for about 2 months after I cut it and thought I looked like a boy. But once it started growing out I realized how much better it looked and how much healthier it was. Over the past 5 years I have had medium length hair but once I got engaged I knew I was going to grow it out for the LAST time. It is super long now and all I want to do it cut it. Lol. We also have hard water! Dirty silverware and nasty looking tervis tumblers are no fun and we have the same problem. I think you would look great with a shoulder length bob 🙂 Go for it! I think that short hair is so cute, I have aways been a fan and it makes anyone look more mature in a good way 😉 Good luck!!

    • dearsweetheartevents says:

      It’s so funny that we always want to grow our hair out for Wedding Day 🙂 mine is the longest it’s ever been, but it’s getting to that point where it’s always tangled & getting in the way. Thanks for the encouragement, though!! Cutting your locks is always a bit nerve-wracking!!

    • Victoria B says:

      Ha yes! It was quite dramatic at first and took a little bit of getting used to, but once you get there you love it! 🙂

  3. Regan Carter says:

    My last hair cut I brought that exact Reese Witherspoon photo to my stylist! (Great minds much??) BEST. CUT. EVER. Every head of hair is different, with different patterns and cowlicks etc, but it is still long enough to feel feminine, yet short enough to be easy to care for. Strom is a huge fan of long hair, so this cut was a nice meet-in-the-middle for a change up, yet still pleasing the hubs! I’d say to not get a bang – it’s always a mistake when I do it! haha But a long swooping layer that acts like a bang is sassy and I love it! 🙂 The blunt angle look is fabulous, but once it grows out an inch or so, it just looks like a one-length hair style. I’d make sure to at least get some sassy layers thrown in there to keep a natural wave easy to achieve, as well as get a flattering effect on your face! And PS: You’ll look gorgeous no matter what ya do!

    • dearsweetheartevents says:

      I LOVE that Reese photo!! I think that one and the Julianne Hough are my 2 favs!! I have the same fear with the blunt look, too. Once it grows out it might be terrible. I think I’d go for more a Reese-Julianne look first, then move over to Jennifer if I feel like I can handle it, ha. And, I’m SO glad to know Strom thinks like Matt… I’m glad I don’t have the only husband like that!!!

  4. Elizabeth c says:

    A good stylist can be extremely helpful in situations like this. Make sure you go to one you like and trust and ask them. Chances are, if they are good, they will know what will work with your type of hair and face. Make them a partner in your hair. And if you don’t trust them, go to someone else. You have to live with the hair. And for the record I also grew out my hair for my wedding and when I went for the first cut, told my stylist, who is my friend, that I wanted short hair that looks long. She understood exactly what I wanted and I haven’t looked back. I know you will look lovely whatever you decide. Also think about your lifestyle and maintenance — unless your stylist lives with, you have to take care and style it daily. Fancy dos don’t work for me when I’m lucky if I can use a hairdryer and a round brush. More tools than that and I’m out.

    • dearsweetheartevents says:

      Totally agree!! I just want to use a blow dryer & straightener… no fancy morning routine for me!!

  5. Rachel May says:

    SO cute!! I was actually JUST thinking about cutting my hair to this length this morning! I’ve been growing mine out for what feels like forever it just feels like its hanging here! haha Can’t wait to see what you do!!

  6. Girl, my hair and I never seem to agree on anything. I have so many issues working with and styling it it’s not even funny. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do for everybody else, especially my hair dresser, but for me, nada, nothing, zilch. I feel like every day it laughs at me, honestly. But I love, love, love that Reese Witherspoon cut!! Oh, and you should totally check out The Small Things Blog for hair tips/tricks/tutorials. She’s who I’ve been watching/learning from as far as a blogger goes. And she just did this fantastic clavicut on herself that’s super fun and gorgeous. Almost makes me want to chop my hair off, but it took me so long to get it to the length it is now (and I really do love it long) that I think I’m going to wait on that for a bit 😉

  7. Melanie Sponaugle says:

    Girl, i feel your pain. Last week, after a recent “…break-up…” I was absolutely, positively DYING to chop off all my hair and dye it dark brown. I was convinced that it was a good idea. I NEEDED a change! Then I had a dream that I went to the salon and left with short, brown hair…crying. I went to church yesterday and was shocked to see that one of my friends had actually done that very thing…she got over 17 inches cut off and has a very short, dark pixie cut now as a result of her break-up on valentine’s day. This was enough to convince me that long and blonde is the way to go! No short hair for ne 🙂 But since you aren’t basing your decision on a recent break-up and you’re stuggling with unhealthy hair, I totally recommend going for it! You will be beautiful no matter what you decide! Good luck!

    • dearsweetheartevents says:

      GIRL! OH MY GOSH!!!! Can I just tell you that when my (now) husband and I broke up when we were dating, I marched right to the hair salon and chopped off 8 inches!!!! WHY is it that we always want to cut it in the most emotional of situation?!? Needless to say, we got back together and he HATED my new ‘do! hahah! I’m so glad you realized BEFORE cutting it that you really didn’t want too; since I’ve been thinking about this for months, I’m hoping it’s not based on emotion!!! xo!

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