
On what would have been my due date: Our First Pregnancy

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I debating on even publicly acknowledging today, and while I know I’m not required to do or feel anything – there’s no “right” thing to do & everyone handles it differently – it seemed stranger to not acknowledge than it did to acknowledge.

So here I am. Flying 40,000 in the air, traveling home the day before what would have been my due date, writing a blog post about a day in my life I will never, ever, ever forget. And as much as it hurts to remember, I definitely never want to forget.

I’ll never forget seeing those pink lines.

I thought you were a girl. I still think you were. You have a perfectly girly name in my head & one day I’ll see you in heaven & call you by that very name. I believe that with every fiber of my being.

It was a Friday. I was rushing home from an out of town event and I knew I was pregnant. I just knew. I had to pee an hour before I got home but wouldn’t let myself stop.

Matt was leaving that afternoon for a weekend away, and I wanted so desperately to take the test & see him before he left.

I ran straight the the bathroom, took a test & waited not so patiently.

I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I knew I was – but I still couldn’t believe it.

I immediately ran to the kitchen & chugged a bottle of water … then I took another test.

2 solid lines, and 1 “pregnant” – 8 letters that changed it all.

I didn’t tell Matt in some fun, creative way. He was sitting in his recliner (hello, old man) when I handed him the tests & a onesie from Target I’d been saving.

After he left, I spent 2 hours in Barnes & Noble looking at pregnancy books, adorable baby books & sitting in the kids section thinking “This is it! It’s happening! We’re having a BABY!

Reality slapped me in the face the next morning & we spent the next week wondering if we’d ever meet you.

7 agonizing days later & bruises covering my arms from all the blood work, we were told that yes, I was still pregnant & while we’d had a little scare, all looked great & I was due February 25.

We told my parents 2 days later & there’s a video I still can’t bring myself to watch.

3 days after that, we sat in the Emergency Room of the Outer Banks Hospital with the words “not-viable” repeating over & over in my head.

We never even got an ultrasound picture of our baby.

I think that’s something I will forever miss. Just one picture. One little piece of paper that I’d frame & keep & never let go of.

I saved everything. There’s a box in our closet with those tests, the onesie & sweet cards friends sent me to encourage my darkest moments. I cherish it all.

When I was in Tampa a few weeks ago, I took a walk on the beach. It was my first time being on a beach since July. And part of me worried that I would look at the beach differently. Or that I would have anxiety when thinking about going to the OBX again. But instead of dread, I have a longing unlike any other.

It feels like home. Like a part of me will always be there.

My last moments with her were there.

And because of that, I truly can’t wait to go back this summer.


Our first pregnancy was not what I would have ever asked for or ever wanted. And the last 3 weeks, leading up to this day, have been pretty hard. Like, really hard. My heart has been wrecked – and I’ve been reminded that even in the pain, even in the grief, He is God and He is GOOD.

He’s the Bread of Life – the one who sustains – and while I would leverage anything & everything to be in a hospital delivery room today, that wasn’t His plan. And He is still Good.

Every day I remind myself: He doesn’t will everything, but He has a will in everything. A sweet friend told me that & it’s been a blessing… a reminder I cling to.

She changed my life in every way.

And it’s because of that, I share.

It’s because her short life was, in fact, a life that I want the world to know her. I want the world to know she existed and that I am so different from the me I once was.

Even if she never breathed air or touched my hand.

Even if I’ll never know what a February 25 birth story feels like.

Even if I will never have a picture of her framed by my bed.

She is mine. And I am hers.

“The Lord gave & the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 


xo! kat


Outer Banks image by Amanda Hedgepeth Photography

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  1. Taylor says:

    We love you so much!

  2. Mandi Mitchell says:

    Thanks so much for sharing and your brave words. I will be praying for y’all that the Lord will bless you with another baby.

  3. Susan Ball says:

    Katherine, this is so beautiful. You and Matt loved your child from the first instance you knew, or perhaps suspected, that a new life was growing inside of you. I didn’t know about your loss until now, but you have been on my heart for the past few weeks and I have felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to pray for a child for you and Matt. God is always faithful. Thank you for sharing this most intimate and precious story. You will continue to be in my prayers. God has great things in store for the Schmoyer family.

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