
The Contentment Challenge 2017

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In 2014, during my first full year in business, I took part in the Contentment Challenge.

I was first introduced to the idea of the challenge in April of 2013 by Nancy Ray (you can read her blog post here). It took me 9 months to decide that I would actually do the Contentment Challenge. As soon as I read her post, I knew I needed to. I knew it would rock my world & change me for the better. But I was afraid.

We let fear tell us so much, don’t we? It dictates what we do – and what we don’t do.

I participated in the challenge for the first 3 months of 2014 & it was just as mind-blowing & heart-changing as I thought it would be (you can read my full story here!). It’s been on my heart to do it again. And to go deeper & bigger than ever before.

My word of 2017 is Wait. I began praying about it over Thanksgiving, and it fits so perfectly. After a few weeks, I’m ready to say it aloud & own that word for 2017. I was planning to right a full post explaining why, but for the sake of this post here’s the short version:

Matt and I are being called to wait on starting a family. After 2 miscarriages in 5 months (the second so recent, so fresh, I haven’t been able to share it in it’s entirety like I did our first), we know we need to step back. We need to heal – as best we can. We don’t qualify for testing yet, and that big “yet” has seemed to hover over & suffocate me. I don’t want “yet”. I hate “yet”. But yet, here we are.

I also feel a need to sit & wait in my business. Coming from someone who has always acted on “go big or go home”, this newfound calling to sit & be is terrifying. But I feel an urgency to STOP moving. STOP rushing. Enjoy. Soak in. Make intentional, impactful decisions that will shake my business in the best way. The tortoise & the hare? The tortoise “wins” every time. Slow & steady. Waiting.

After allowing the word wait to wash over me I realized that in order to wait in 2017, I have to be Content. I’m longing so desperately, friends. Longing for a healthy pregnancy. Longing for financial freedom. Longing for vision & direction with my company. Longing to actually see & hold & touch one of our precious babies. Longing. Waiting. Hoping. And while those things are not bad things to long for or hope for, my ultimate longing needs to be Jesus.

I don’t understand why so many terrible things happened in 2016. But I know He’s Good. He’s Faithful when I am Faithless; Hopeful when I am Hopeless. And true contentment will only come from Him. In order to wait, I need to be content IN the wait. Hence my need to jump feet-first in this challenge again.

I will be kicking things off January 1. No better time, right? I plan to enter into a 6 month journey – twice as long as my 2014 experience. I’m setting guidelines, making necessary purchases & getting my heart ready for this massive life-change. I want to encourage anyone out there who is feeling the same pull to pray over it & if you feel led – join me.

I’ll be posting my own guidelines next week, and ways I am preparing prior to January 1. I also plan to blog the journey once per month to not only hold myself accountable, but also document the journey. (I loved following Rhiannon’s Year of Content in 2015 & was so inspired by her transparency).

Here goes nothing – Here’s to waiting, hoping & longing. Here’s to being content in the journey, no matter what comes.


Be strong, take heart & wait for the Lord. – Psalm 27:14

For I have learned in whatever situation, I am to be content. – Philippians 4:11 

xo! kat


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  1. Kelly Hancock says:

    Oh sweet friend, my heart aches for you. Reading this was like reading a page from my own journal last year. My heart hurts knowing just a glimpse of what you guys must be going through. I have no words of wisdom or comfort to offer. Just that I am praying for you girl. Really, truly lifting you up. And you are right, He is so good. In all of the hurt and ugly, He is still good. My own journey has taught me that much is true. If you ever need to talk or cry with someone who is sitting and waiting in her own mess, I am here for you! So grateful for you and your transparency and the work the Lord is doing in you. Praying He uses all of this for His glory. xoxo, Kelly

  2. Jessica says:

    We are suffering so many of the same struggles, you always inspire me but here you take the cake! This is just what I have been praying for, clarity, insight, direction, a way to move forward, a way to learn to be content, a way to be free from all the worry and what if in my mind. I will join you in the contentment challenge Kat!

  3. Love this so much Kat. It’s so obvious that this is god-breathed and holy spirit inspired and I’m so thankful you shared this. Love you both so much… praying for this new year and this fresh start. xoxo

  4. Kat, even in your hard times you continue to be a light for others. Praying for you and Matt!

  5. Sarah says:

    Thank you, Kat. I’m excited to see what this seems for you and how I can apply it to my life. If I’m being honest, I’m still in the “Too scared to act on it phase.” Thank you so much for sharing this journey.

    • dearsweetheartevents says:

      I completely understand, Sarah! Pray it through & don’t be afraid to JUMP! He’ll catch you <3

  6. Kat! Your gentle spirit in your trials is just incredible. You praise His name NO MATTER what and I admire you so much for that! Praying big prayers for you and Matt and I just might join you in the Contentment Challenge! Lots of love from CA!

  7. Lorri says:

    Absolutely inspiring and Amen to your #onewordfor2017. Mine is DISCIPLINE! Too many years and too much time passes because I procrastinate and “watch” and help others achieve their dreams while mine stay stagnant, so I’m going to discipline myself to take a step every day to make Lorri Lewis LLC a reality this year…I look forward to watching YOUR journey and MINE! Thank you for your transparency…

  8. […] this blog, this blog, this blog, this blog, and google searching 17,000 other […]

  9. […] what is this Contentment Challenge? As Kat so perfectly […]

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