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12 Tools I Use Every Day in My Business // Kat Schmoyer Blog


12 Tools I Use Every Day In My Business

Here on the blog you'll find resources to help you (the Visionary) strategize, implement and organize your digital online biz! From dreams to dailys, we cover it all !
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I constantly get asked “how do you do it all?” … and you know what? Let’s get one thing straight: I DON’T!

But you know what I’ve learned?? How to utilize TOOLS in my business that work FOR me!! They are the #1 reason I was able to start 3 companies, quit my full-time job and bring my husband on full-time.

While there are so many systems that can help your workflow, I’ve narrowed down today’s list to the tools & systems I use daily, and just what I use them for.


12 Tools I Use Every Day In My Business Kat Schmoyer Blog #creative #entrepreneur #business #blog


1. Trello

I’ve been using Trello for 3 years and it just keeps getting better & better. Trello is a list management tool that allows the user to organize projects & to-do’s in a simple, easy platform. It also allows you to add various users (team members), assign tasks, create due-dates & attach documents. As you can see below, I have boards for quite a few aspects of my business, plus team members have their own boards!


Trello for Business // Kat Schmoyer Blog

2. Planoly

Planoly is the tool I use to plan out my Instagram feed. I am able to see my entire feed, add imagery, add captions and it will auto-post for me (such a time-saver!). My plan allows 1 team member to have access to the account, and also allows me to have 2 instagram accounts. I use it for the KS brand and the C@H brand, and it’s been particularly helpful when planning months of content out for maternity leave!


Planoly for Business // Kat Schmoyer Blog


3. Google Drive

I’m sure you’ve heard of Google Drive! 😉 2 years ago, I moved my entire business over to Google Drive. Rather than having a file system on my computer, I now have files / images stored and organized on Google Drive. I did this so that I would not only be able to access things on the go, but so that it would make things easier as my team expanded. I can “share” access with team members, and it’s been so helpful as the team grows!

BONUS: I love using Google Forms! I use Google Forms for all surveys & questionnaires. I love that it will auto populate the responses into one spreadsheet so I can easily read responses and compare as needed. I use Google Forms for my Coaching Questionnaires, Creative at Heart Attendee Questionnaires and any surveys I send out to my mailing list or course students.


4. Tailwind

I use Tailwind for Pinterest Management. It allows my team to pin content from my own website, and also repin content from others. We can read analytics and schedule pins well in advance!! Because of Tailwind, I’ve been able to build my Pinterest traffic in a way that’s streamlined & it’s been much easier than doing it without the features of the app. (Tailwind can also work with your Instagram, however I love the overall layout of Planoly and prefer Planoly over Tailwind for Instagram.)


5. Aisle Planner

If you’re a wedding planner, Aisle Planner needs to be on your must-have list! I had heard of Aisle Planner for several years but felt that the system I had in place with Google Drive worked with my clients and therefore I didn’t need it … boy, was I wrong!! I started using Aisle Planner last year and it’s transformed how I organize content for my couples & vendors! It streamlines the process, provides a wonderful user experience for them & allows every client to receive the same great user experience regardless of which planner on my team they are working with (or which package they’ve booked!).


Aisle Planner for Wedding Planners // Kat Schmoyer Blog


6. Mile-IQ

This app is a lifesaver when it comes to tracking your mileage! I love that it runs off of my phone, but I can also log in on the desktop, too. There’s a free version however I pay the yearly fee to receive unlimited miles and it’s absolutely worth it! (Use this link for 20% your first year!)


MileIQ for Business Mileage // Kat Schmoyer Blog


7. Crowdcast

Crowdcast is my favorite webinar platform! I use Crowdcast for my weekly Coffee Chats with Kat series, and I also use it for my Coaching clients! The interface is incredibly user friendly, their support team is always incredibly fast to respond and I love the look of the chat window and their “ask a question” feature!


8. Spotify

We all need a little music on a workday! I like background noise when working & love to have music on during the day. I’ll admit, I’m actually fairly new to Spotify, but loving it so far. We have an account with Creative at Heart and send out monthly playlists so if you’re on Spotify or interested in a new playlist each month, be sure to follow us here!


Spotify // Kat Schmoyer Blog


9. Canva

This is one that my assistant uses more than I do, but it’s a tool for our team nonetheless! Canva is a free website that allows us to create graphics, PDF’s and design essentials needed in my business. The pretty graphic you’re seeing on this post? Canva. The IG Story graphics I use? Canva. It’s absolutely perfect for those of us who don’t know how to use Photoshop or Illustrator & definitely gets the job done!


10. ConvertKit

I’ve been using ConvertKit now for over a year, and it’s allowed me to streamline my email marketing system while also grow my mailing list. It’s user friendly (even for someone who is not savvy with tech!), and the chat feature on their website is one of my favorites! They are so quick to respond and always happy to help!


ConvertKit for Business Email Marketing // Kat Schmoyer Blog


11. Social Squares

Between blog graphics, pinterest graphics and instagram graphics, I’m constantly in need of imagery for my business! Social Squares (and my Stockbox Subscription) allow me to have access to professional imagery that is already sized appropriately for IG and a perfect fit for my brand! I’m able to schedule posts out well in advance because I’m not looking for the “perfect” image to use; I’m also constantly getting new images for a fresh, new look!


Social Squares for Business // Kat Schmoyer Blog


12. Zapier

This is another tool that I don’t personally use daily but my husband, who is a full-time member of my team, does! Zapier integrates with so many of the other tools we use and allows us to be “hands-off” and truly systemize our business. Because of Zapier, we can actually set aspects of the business to run on auto-pilot and therefore focus on OTHER things to grow the business!


For even more tools, download my tool-kit below!!



Do you use any of these tools in your business? Which ones? What else do you use daily that I don’t?


xo! kat

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  1. Tayler says:

    Trello & Canva are everything! Love this list! Thanks for sharing.

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