
My Summer Reading List for Female Entrepreneurs

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Summertime is almost here & I’ve decided I won’t be saying “some day” to my long list of books anymore! Every year, I purchase books on Amazon prime when I see a boss lady I look up to talking about how much she loved it on Instagram…. only I never get around to reading it!

Well, not anymore!!

I’ve put together a list for my summer reading that includes 1 book for May (even though it’s technically not summer yet) and 2 books for June, July & August. Plus, I included 1 additional book I’d like to check off my reading list if I have the time!


My Summer Reading List for Female Entrepreneurs // Kat Schmoyer



Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist – I’ve been a quarter of the way through this book for 2 months now. (I started reading it at the gym when it became too hard to run; I’d read on my Kindle on the treadmill or bike.) The first quarter of the book was exactly what my heart needed … I’m talking tearing up on the treadmill kinda thing! However life has happened & I haven’t picked it back up. Planning to change that soon!!



The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss – I’ve seen this book thrown around in business conversations for a few years now. Honestly, I thought it sounded a bit ridiculous but after reading a few of Graham’s blog posts that refer to the strategy, I’ve decided to give it a try!

Traction by Gino Wickham – This is another one that keeps popping up in conversation & I need to take it off my coffee table & actually get my hands on it! Excited to read more about how this book can transform my business and team structure!



Cultivate by Lara Casey – I took this book all the way to Hawaii and didn’t read it, so it’s time I finally dive in! I love Lara Casey & have a feeling this will be a great middle-of-the-year read!

Start With Why by Simon SinekBonnie sold me on this one in a recent Insta-Story post! You don’t know it yet, but this little brand (along with C@H) are going through some big changes in September and I think reading this book in light of all of that will be so beneficial!



Parenting by Paul David Tripp – I love my morning devotional by Paul David Tripp, so I have a feeling I will love diving into this book. Since I’ll be just a few months into motherhood, I think it will be a great book to round out my summer & step into fall with.

Influence by Robert Cialdini  – My friend Megan first told me about this book so I snatched it up but, you guessed it, it hasn’t left my shelf. I know the theories will be so helpful for digital marketing & am looking forward to diving in!



A Simplified Life by Emily Ley – I was hoping to read this before Baby Schmo arrives and while it *may* happen, that time-crunch is getting slimmer & slimmer! Emily has one of my favorite blogs & IG’s to follow so I know when I do read this book, it will be so life-giving. I’ll likely tackle it this fall with a little “fall purging”!:)


Do you have a summer reading list? Or maybe a 2018 reading list? Link it below! I’d love to take a look!!


xo! kat


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