What They Don’t Tell You About Comparison

Comparison: What I Learned The Hard Way, Kat Schmoyer

It’s a nasty little beast, isn’t it?

I had a lightbulb moment yesterday, so bear with me, mmk?

I used to think that one day, I’d be “over it”. One day, I’d hit a point in my business and/or my life & just not care about comparsion.

And maybe one day I will. But I realized that I was thinking about comparison all wrong. I was thinking about comparison as a specific person – not it’s own person. Let me explain:

In every single season of my business, I have compared myself to someone so desperately. My products, my services, my clients, my husband, my house, my friends… EVERYTHING.

And in every single season I thought: “Once I beat this, once I stop comparing myself to her, I will win.”

Only she wasn’t the problem.

I was. Comparison was the problem. Comparison wasn’t & isn’t her.

She’s wasn’t & isn’t doing anything wrong. She’s doing her thing. And she’s killing it.

I need to do my thing, too. I need to kill it, too. In my own way. In my own time.

No one told me that I needed to stop thinking I could get over comparison by beating ONE person – because that one person was never, ever the problem. The problem lies with discontent in ME. Discontent in my own heart over whatever is that I’m comparing.

This Contentment Challenge just got real, y’all.

It’s time we view Comparison & Content in the same playing field. Because they are. Discontent pinch-hits for Comparison all the time – and I’m not about to let it win again. Who’s with me?


xo! kat

Image by Andrea Pesce /// Wedding Design by Dear Sweetheart Events

I'm a biz coach and integrator for creatives! My job? To help you dreams & dailys happen every week. Rinse and repeat.

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